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Sunday 9 December 2012

Winter Wonderland 2012 is it worth going?

Well, yes Winter Wonderland is, if you take it for what it is - one great big glorious fun fair. Don't expect it to be elegant and refined, it's a blousy barmaid laughing too loudly and showing her knickers, and all the better for it! We went yesterday, 8 December. There were dire warnings on the web about how crowded it would be. Yes, it was insanely busy and the rides were overpriced. However, you can enter and soak up the atmosphere for free and still have a fabulous time. Entrance costs you nothing, you only pay for the rides and food which wasn't bad quality - we had an excellent rich hot chocolate. We saw fabulous live bands including
, The Houndogs - check out their website. They are three brothers - Robert, Ian and David Wilson - playing terrific rockabilly who kept us all warm as we danced in the freezing cold to Elvis, Johnny Cash and other high energy favourites. They played like demons, and were lovely to chat to after. We bought a CD for a fiver, the best bargain of the day. As well as the bands there were gallons of mulled wine, expensive at £4.20 a cup but we needed it to chase away the cold. The fairground rides were spectacular just to look at, a huge big wheel, a small big dipper (if that isn't a contradiction!), a lovely traditional helter skelter and this star-shaped ride flinging people round and round in the sky.
The queues for these weren't overly long, probably because they're not cheap. The truly wonderful thing about Winter Wonderland is that you really don't have to spend a penny to enjoy yourself. The biggest joy was seeing family and friends of all ages simply having a terrific time - fathers flinging their toddlers up in the air, lovers kissing without a thought to who was observing, kids and one crazy old guy simply dancing to the music. There was candy floss and mulled cider, ice cream and German marzipan flavoured with Cranberry and booze and a host of tacky and some quite nice Christmas decorations and nick nacks to buy. Above all though, it was people having fun. As we walked away, back into the bitingly damp darkness of Hyde Park and looked back we realised we had spent not very much money and had a superb afternoon people watching and enjoying this massive fun fair for what it is - a Christmas pleasure-dome of sights, sounds and frolics. It's on till January and I'd go again, even when it is below freezing! I have written a romance set in a wintry snow bound Wales entitled - 'Leaving Home'. I may well have to write one now set in London at Christmas time!


Anita Chapman said...

This sounds like a lovely Christmassy day out Cara-a few friends have said it's worth going. Must get round to it, maybe in the hols.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading this, you've actually managed to capture my own trips there perfectly, especially with "fathers flinging their toddlers up in the air, lovers kissing without a thought to who was observing, kids and one crazy old guy simply dancing to the music." I actually went twice in the space of a week because I enjoyed it that much, once in the evening with my friend and once in the daytime with my mum. The evening actually felt more Christmassy, although it was also a lot busier too. I went to the circus with my friend - that was pretty awesome, although quite weird at the same time. Then we had some mulled wine, baileys hot chocolate and Bratwurst. And chilled out on the carousel bar for a bit. I think my favourite place had to be the Bavarian tavern though...everyone swinging their tankards of beer around and having a great time while this German band was playing. So festive! I didn't go on any rides either time, but when I went with my mum I was able to properly enjoy the Christmas market section. I would genuinely go back a 3rd time, just to soak up the atmosphere and soak up the Christmas spirit. Just make sure you wrap up warm because it can get seriously cold while you're there. I even had to buy myself a hat to walk around in! Luckily my friend's <a href="http://www.silverdoor.co.uk/serviced-apartments/london>London apartment</a> was just around the corner, so we didn't have far to go to get out of the cold :) If you do visit again, I hope you enjoy it just as much! Ella x

Cara Cooper said...

Hi Anita, it really is worth doing. I wasn't sure at first, but you just have to get into the mood! I am old enough sadly to remember Battersea Fun Fair which I loved as a child and since then there hasn't been a major fun fair experience in central London.

Ella I'm with you - there is a terrific atmosphere and I think it will get bigger as the years go on. Some of the merchandise wasn't very exciting but I too bought a hat! I also saw some nice things which enable you to float t-light candles in water to make lovely original Xmas decs. All good fun and nice to find something a bit different!