Oh joy, for my birthday, my husband said, 'I've booked a table at the Savoy.' We don't often indulge but he is a believer in marking special days with memories rather than things. In fact he finds things weigh him down and is always urging me as a hoarder to clear stuff out. So, off we tottled to the Savoy on the Strand which has been closed the last few years due to refurbishment at the staggering cost of £200 million. The original ancient site was a hospital, which eventually declined and was described by The sixteenth-century historian Stow as being misused by "loiterers, vagabonds and strumpets". Which one of those were we, I wondered, all done up to the nines?!
I really would love to set a Mills and Boon in a luxury hotel like the Savoy. There was the gorgeous art deco inspired River Restaurant where we had lunch, all the pretty girls and wonderfully handsome young men who see you to your table, there was the Russian family looking mysterious and fur-collar clad, there was the view of the Thames blazing in Autumn sunshine and there was the mouth-watering food. Finally, there was the birthday cake, complimentary and so rich we had to take it home in a little white box because neither of us could stuff any more calories in. Of course you don't have to have a special birthday to enjoy the Savoy. You can save up your pennies and go for a cup of coffee and spend ages lounging on the gorgeous sofas, lapping up the atmosphere whilst you watch the clientele and the staff bustle past giving you any number of ideas for a romantic novel. Well, that's my excuse anyway for going there as much as I possibly can! Ps - note that in my hand I hold a bag from Hotel Chocolat with a few goodies to take home. Next week, I'll diet, always next week........

Oh Cara what a lovely pic of you and your hubby. Glad to see you have him so well trained - the Savoy no less!
What a fab looking cake. And your hubby is absolutely right - good memories are excellent presents.
Many happy returns, Cara!
Thank you! He'd rather make one trip to the Savoy than half a dozen to somewhere a bit less special. And you have to make economies where you can - that white coat was such a find, a cashmere mix and just calling out for me in our local charity shop. I'd never usually go for a white coat as they're for high days and holidays but at a fraction of the price it would have been new, I couldn't resist a bargain!
I am surprised that you didn't notice that your cake looks exactly like a brown leather covered book with artistic embellishments on both sides. Well, at least it looks like that to me, a romantic novel to be read by the candle light, maybe in the Georgette Heyer era.
Both of you look so good in the picture. Wish you many happy returns of the day.
Lovely photos and this sounds like such a wonderful day out. Certainly a birthday memory to remember.
Gorgeous photos - and belated Happy Birthday.
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