
....welcome to my blog on writing, reading and living in London ......

Monday 19 November 2012

What to expect at the Festival of Romance

I have just returned from this wonderful event and thought it might be worth recording what went on for others thinking of going next year. Bedford was much more interesting and picturesque than I'd imagined with the Park Inn hotel looking out over the River Ouse. We happily breakfasted watching rowing boats collide with each other! I had a stand at the Romance Fair where people sold books. This was in the historic Corn Exchange. That for me was the best bit because I was sharing with such wonderful authors. There was Gilli Allan with her books 'Torn' and 'Life Class'. She writes romance which is out of the ordinary. Then there was Caroline Bell Foster with her Carribean set books such as 'Saffron's Choice'. Also, poet Oscar Sparrow and Emma Calin who writes hot police romances. We were a wonderfully mixed bunch - thank you for your company! In addition, we did readings at a local coffee bar and in the shopping centre and there were costumed characters from historical novels both in Bedford and at the historical afternoon tea. It was a fabulous opportunity to network, great fun and I hope it will become an annual fixture as it has grown so much since last year. Many thanks and congratulations to Kate Allan, Festival Director for achieving so much.


margaret blake said...

Sounds fun - didn't now about it but happy you had a good time.We miss so much by being oop North. xxxx

Cara Cooper said...

Thanks Margaret, in my book, Bedford is up North! Perhaps we'll see you in future years and it has moved from last year.

Emma Calin said...

It was lovely to meet you and very interesting to find out about your books and writing career. As you say, it was a fantastic chance to network and compare notes, even if few books were sold. The biscuits were delicious - and a life saver as we did not get the chance for lunch with the readathon!

Caroline Bell Foster said...

Our table looked great with such a diverse range of books. It was lovely to meet you face to face Cara, as I'd 'seen' you on a number of other blogs over the years :) xx

Susan Alison said...

Sounds like a great experience! I must come along next year...

montyandrosie said...

Okay. I don't know where that went. I shall try again... Was just saying how fab it all sounds...